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Red Cappuccello

martedì 25 ottobre 2011 , Posted by Giovanni at 12:45

Ciao a tutti,

Recently I've bought this gem from Maurizio Bruno, to celebrate is 200th scupture.

He took inspiration from Monge's drawing (see below)

The figure is something completely different from anything I've done in my life, has nothing to do with uniforms and research, just pure fun!

I've made a little change, to the sculpture, adding the hairs in front of her right eye, the original had an eye patch and 3 scars along the cheek (see below the image of the original casting from Maurizio)

Anyway is a pure joy to paint and to try something new, I've used the airbrush for the red hood, I like it, I may use it in the future!!!

At the moment the hood is 90% done, I just need to paint the little patch on the left hand side.

Face is still fresh so I may do some touch up once is dry.

Let me know what you think!



Currently have 2 commenti:

  1. Alessino says:

    Ciao Giovanni,

    un lavoro che lascia presagire il solito mega-risultato.

    Mi fa piacere leggere che sei passato anche tu a sperimentare l'aerografo, secondo me sui panneggi è qualcosa che può dare una marcia in più.

    Appena finisco il progetto che ho sul tavolo ora, mi butto anch'io sulla piccolina :)

  1. Giovanni says:

    Ed io ti aspetto!!!

    Fammi sapere come procedi e sai che sono a tua completa disposizione per qualunque cosa!

    Comunque devo lavorare sui colori con l'aerografo, ieri tutto bene, oggi un disastro, duse intasatissima!!!

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